Several problems were experienced with the iPhone 5S's hardware after its release. The most widely reported issue is that the angle reported by the phone's level sensor had drifted by several degrees, which caused the gyroscope, compass, and accelerometer to become inaccurate. Reports suggested that this is a hardware-induced problem.


There were anecdotal claims of the iPhone 5's coating chipping off, exposing the bright aluminium underneath. Apple executive's response to email correspondence from an affected customer summarized that it was normal for aluminum to scratch.

Monteringsdelen för Iphone 5s är i hög konstruktions kvalitet. Passar bra för om du in telefon har problem med bildvisningen, en skärm som inte svarar eller  6-rykten - Här är allt vi vet · Vanliga iPhone 5s-problem och hur man fixar dem hur man fixar dem · 5 sätt att fixa iPhone 5s hemknapp fungerar inte. Guider  Sprucket glas eller trasig skärm? Inga problem! Vi byter glas och skärm på din iPhone 5S så den blir som ny.

Iphone 5 s problem

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”En Iphone 5s ser jag på datorn”, sa den unga kvinnan han blivit kopplad till och gav honom därmed den enda uppgift han behövde. ”Inga problem, du tänker 

Take your phone along to an Apple iStore and have it checked. These few teething problems aside, the iPhone 5s is making waves in the market and is selling like hotcakes.

Iphone 5 s problem

Just opened my new iPhone 5 and the screen is ghosting, or similar to when you touch an LCD screen. Just curious if anyone else is having this problem. It’s definitely apparent when I touch hard, but even soft touches still have the screen problem when I touch. Another forum member reports a similar issue with his new iPhone 5.

Iphone 5 s problem

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Du hittar också guider som hjälper dig att lösa eventuella problem som kan dyka upp. This online tool will help you identify and resolve problems with your Apple iPhone 5s. The iPhone 5, like all iPhones before it, is an evolution rather than a revolution but it’s at least on the surface the biggest evolution we’ve seen for years with a new design, a larger By smartphone standards the iPhone 5S is outright ancient. First released in 2013, with the rumoured approach of Apple’s fabled iPhone 6S on the horizon, the iPhone 5S is close to becoming two It's now safe to turn your iPhone 5s back on.

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Oct 30, 2013 “We recently discovered a manufacturing issue affecting a very limited number of iPhone 5s devices that could cause the battery to take longer 

Press and hold the sleep/wake button, and when the slider appears, drag it to turn your device off. When it’s off, press and hold the sleep/wake button again, and turn your iPhone 5s back on. Method 4: 10 problems with iPhone 5S, and how to fix them (including the Blue Screen of Death!) Bug: Blue screen of death.