The university's infrastructure receives much praise in the RQ20 evaluation. Not least at the intermediate level, there are many fine laboratories, equipment and facilities. The Humanities Lab is highlighted as an exemplary example of good infrastructure that also works universally - for and with other faculties. 2020-11-26


Lund University Humanities Lab The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary department for research technology and training at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. We host technology, methodological know-how, archiving expertise, and a wide range of research projects.

On Thursday the  15 Aug 2018 Projektmedarbetare Carolina Larsson, Humlab vid Lunds universitet har Co- worker Carolina Andersson, Humlab, Lund University, has  4 Mar 2021 At this Umeå Humlab talk, Hannu Salmi (Turku) presents his new book, Bechmann Pedersen (Lund) about the potentials of digital history… For any questions, contact user_agreementshumlab.luse. General information for students, staff and external parties at Lund University can be found here. 27 Apr 2017 Anna Foka. Humlab, Umeå University, Sweden and the Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Sweden. Search for other works by this author on:. 29 Mar 2017 del Torello.

Humlab lund

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SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) Page Manager: Maja.Petersson se | 2020-07-03 Contact us. Humanities Lab Box 201 SE-221 00 LUND +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (pbx) Shortcuts Lund University Humanities Lab The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary department for research technology and training at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. We host technology, methodological know-how, archiving expertise, and a wide range of research projects. Lund University Humanities Lab's profile in Lund University Research portal Description The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary research and training facility mainly for researchers, teachers, and students across Lund University. Contact information. E-mail diederick_c.niehorster se.


News. More news Humanistlaboratoriet erbjuder forskare vid Lunds universitet fri tillgång till avancerade instrument och tillhörande metodologisk kompetens för att mäta mänskligt beteende, expertis kring datahantering, samt forskningsförberedande utbildning och användarstöd i en tvärdisciplinär och internationell miljö.

Humlab lund


Humlab lund

Welcome to the archive browser of the Lund University Humanities Lab. The archive hosts images, audio, video, and various kinds of text data such as word lists and transcriptions from many different projects.

Kontakt. Johan Frid, Bilder: Carolina Larsson, Humlab Lund Universitet fonem med artikulation Det är lättare att särskilja ljud när de kombineras med ansikten och munnen som uttalar ljudet (Kuhl & Meltzoff, 1982) Exemplifierat med McGurk effekten fonem med artikulation Find research and researchers at Lund University Research excellence areas joost [dot] van_de_weijer [at] humlab [dot] lu [dot] se +46 46 222 84 47 Y. Lund University Jubilee Course November 23, 2017. Susanne Schötz gave a lecture at the Lund University Jubilee Course about our project and about the different cat sound categories that we are using in our research (in Swedish). AI Lund An open network for research, Humlab - Machine learning, eye tracking. Department of Philosophy - Cognition, robotics.
Förskola samlingsmaterial

• language archiving Lund University Humanities Lab; eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration; Additional contact details. Lund University Box 117, 221 00 LUND Telephone (switchboard): +46-46-222 00 00 Humlab shall be a strong competence center at Umeå University with access to technical environment specifically for digital humanities ”(from Humlab's mission statement). For Humlab's part, this means studying society's digitization and its consequences for individuals and groups on the basis of a critical humanistic perspective, as well as studying humanistic issues with digital tools and LU Service 1.13.1 LU-Service I-huset (LU-service, Sölvegatan 14-16 inkl Gamla Biskopshuset, Biskopsgatan 1) AI Lund An open network for research, education and innovation in the area of Artificial Intelligence at Lund University This project investigates by means of EEG (at Humlab, Lund University) how the brain processes referential relations in language. We investigate whether referential connections are established in a direct or stepwise procedure during the comprehension of discourses. Lund University Humanities Lab, Lund, Sweden.

On Thursday the  15 Aug 2018 Projektmedarbetare Carolina Larsson, Humlab vid Lunds universitet har Co- worker Carolina Andersson, Humlab, Lund University, has  4 Mar 2021 At this Umeå Humlab talk, Hannu Salmi (Turku) presents his new book, Bechmann Pedersen (Lund) about the potentials of digital history… For any questions, contact user_agreementshumlab.luse. General information for students, staff and external parties at Lund University can be found here. 27 Apr 2017 Anna Foka.
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Umeå universitet, Humanistiska fakulteten, Humlab. [ed] Matts Lindström & Adam Wickberg Månsson, Lund: Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet , 2015, s.

Engelska för TA-personal. English: Written Correspondence for Administrative and Technical Staff. Dolda skatter temat för digitala HT-dagar .

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HUMlab and VDL (see below) VDL - Nationella laboratoriet för vedanatomi och dendrokronologi, National laboratory for wood anatomy and dendrochronology, Department of Geology, Lund University.

Typ: Corpus . guid: CE3055C5-BE1D-4394-A71B-A868A4739670 . Page updated: 2017-12-07 Humlab, UmU National Library of Sweden Centrum för digital humaniora vid Göteborgs universitet skall samarbeta inte minst med Humlab i Umeå och Humlab i Lund, på så sätt att de tre har olika, kompletterande profiler. Humlab i Umeå är främst riktat mot konst, nya medier och digitala representationer medan Humlab i Lund Digital humaniora är ett framväxande fält. Det innefattar att humanister kan använda informationsteknik som ett kraftfullt verktyg som möjliggör en ny typ av forskning, att informationssamhället är ett viktigt studieobjekt för humanistiska forskare och att humanister använder digitala uttrycksmedel, som multimediala inslag i forskningsrapporter. Marcus Nyström Lund University Humanities Lab, Sweden Verified email at Kenneth Holmqvist Professor of Psychology Verified email at Ignace TC Hooge Utrecht University Verified email at Lund: Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet, 2019. p.